jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015


Hello, classmates and teacher!

I think that being "green" is a great idea and a marvelous initiative, but only some people being green in the reallity. Actually, I think that our lifestyles are so far to be ecological. In my case, I know about the man's damage against the planet, I know about clean energies and other cleaner options, althougt I don't feel that the change depends of me or of my little power. I imagine a lot of people doing the same good things for environment and that's could be a solution. 

Whatever, in my daily life I try to recycling in simple things: when I wash the vegetables, then I use the same wather for irrigate plants; I walk a lot; I off lights that I don't use; I close the water tap when I wash my tooths; sometimes I recycle paper or I put my garbage in my pocket when I walk in the street... 

I like being "green" spirit, buy in the present I'm not member for any eco-organisation, because I don't know some of them. I try to respect the plans of other persons about the matter, for example, I separate my waste in the public route.

I consider that the problem is the ignorant about the own possibilities and the inconstancy in the public education. The nature's care is a civil duty and that's the point to understand. The solutions will come the coaching. 

4 comentarios:

  1. I agree, we need more education about eco-friendly options in our daily life, so we can help the planet. You do some good things for the planet! Congratulations!

  2. The education is very important to make changes for the world.

  3. I agree. We need a mentality change for all the world, but in the same way I think it is a great start with a few new green habits at home

  4. Camila!!! Is true, the problem is the poor education and information in this topic...
