viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Aerobics sports!

Hello, dear classmates and teacher! 

The sport is necessary to have a good health. Some physical problems are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Today I’m going to talk about sport in my life.

One year ago I started going to aerobic classes, because I wanted to lose some weight; I mean, I was so tired to be in bad condition. I said to myself: “Okay, it’s time to make something for me, only for me”. At the beginning was so painful, you know, the first days in almost everything are in that way. By the way, it took me around two weeks to habituate the rhythm of the exercise.

In the gym, the trainer learns us about aerobox, step and zumba. Classes are three days a week before dinner. At this time, one year after, that’s a part of my life; it’s so strange to me a day without exercise, the sentence what I heard was true: the body demand physical activity.

If I felt depress before, today my feelings are better and positives. It’s a good hobby; we are all the things and choreographies with Latin music, like salsa, merengue, cumbia, reggaeton and samba. That’s a great point for me; I liked to dance since I was a child.    

Aerobic sports, especially recreation sports, are necessary for a happy and complete life. I think more people should to practice them.

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