jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Bone Sculpture

Hello, classmates and teacher!

Today, I chose to write about a Chilean artist. Maybe, someone in this course know him. His artist name is "Necro" and his real name is Michael Benítez. He's a underground sculptor and painter.   
I knew him thank's TV: When I was 13 years old, in a Vía X's segment, he showed his works. Necro's a great studious about anatomy, but in the "strange way": His creations are made with bones, yes, real bones (actually, he sculpt man-made skulls in many cases, but he pick up animal bones for parts of his works). He studied Art pedagogy in UMCE (surprise!) and today he was 34 years old.

In the beginning of his career, he made some works, like lamps and chairs, but now, he has a great curriculum: Necro made the "Throne of bones", used in many metal concerts; the "Necrobar", decorated with skulls in the superior part and provided with alcohol for all the preferences; and the "Necrobus", used in the last Black Sabbath's concert in our country. 

The people could think that meet Necro is an impossible dream, but he's near: you can find him and talk with him in Facebook or see him in Biobio fair, when he sells "little" pieces of art (compared to the monsters named previously).  
I know him, but I never ask him two thing: Why do you like bones?, how do you inspired everyday?   

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015


Hello, classmates and teacher!

I think that being "green" is a great idea and a marvelous initiative, but only some people being green in the reallity. Actually, I think that our lifestyles are so far to be ecological. In my case, I know about the man's damage against the planet, I know about clean energies and other cleaner options, althougt I don't feel that the change depends of me or of my little power. I imagine a lot of people doing the same good things for environment and that's could be a solution. 

Whatever, in my daily life I try to recycling in simple things: when I wash the vegetables, then I use the same wather for irrigate plants; I walk a lot; I off lights that I don't use; I close the water tap when I wash my tooths; sometimes I recycle paper or I put my garbage in my pocket when I walk in the street... 

I like being "green" spirit, buy in the present I'm not member for any eco-organisation, because I don't know some of them. I try to respect the plans of other persons about the matter, for example, I separate my waste in the public route.

I consider that the problem is the ignorant about the own possibilities and the inconstancy in the public education. The nature's care is a civil duty and that's the point to understand. The solutions will come the coaching. 

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015


When I head something about education I feel mixed emotions. On one hand, I know about the crisis in the national system and I have a worry. But, on other hand, I feel displeasure because it's a topic very well used.

In my first year of University, I had to live the 2011 movilization, and that was an upsetting year. I remember the daily assemblies in the career, the State's threats weren't exciting for the movement and after a few month, it's all over.  

Even so, I think that Chilean education is mediocre, the powerfuls use education like a business and that's badly. The students of different social classes don't lear in the same way and for that, the opportunities of future are unequal.

In my case, I studied in a subsidize school, and money was more important than the learning. We had to study a lot for own initiative to go to a good University.    

My mom is teacher, and her case is similar: the student's profile was getting worse, MINEDUC's programs was made for a good mark in standarized test, the teachers were nonconformist with the learning...  

The system must change, that's evident, but I don't have real hopes in a short term. I think that the final goal needs a lot of work and comprimise. The important people in the power should understand that the quality of education is the pillar for a good society.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Aerobics sports!

Hello, dear classmates and teacher! 

The sport is necessary to have a good health. Some physical problems are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Today I’m going to talk about sport in my life.

One year ago I started going to aerobic classes, because I wanted to lose some weight; I mean, I was so tired to be in bad condition. I said to myself: “Okay, it’s time to make something for me, only for me”. At the beginning was so painful, you know, the first days in almost everything are in that way. By the way, it took me around two weeks to habituate the rhythm of the exercise.

In the gym, the trainer learns us about aerobox, step and zumba. Classes are three days a week before dinner. At this time, one year after, that’s a part of my life; it’s so strange to me a day without exercise, the sentence what I heard was true: the body demand physical activity.

If I felt depress before, today my feelings are better and positives. It’s a good hobby; we are all the things and choreographies with Latin music, like salsa, merengue, cumbia, reggaeton and samba. That’s a great point for me; I liked to dance since I was a child.    

Aerobic sports, especially recreation sports, are necessary for a happy and complete life. I think more people should to practice them.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

A special book.

I were trying to remember about a particular gift... or something. It's a difficult matter. But in the last time, I received a nice present that change one aspect of my life. In April of this year, I knew a guy, he's a literature graduate and an emerging writer. We knew us through instagram first, facebook later, and finally in person. I saw that he wrote a book: "Oh, this is interesting, finally something new between my contacts!"- I said. We talked a lot about many topics, and I really wanted buy the book because the curiosity and sympathy grew every day a little more.
Whatever... One day in May, he invited me to his home, we drank a delicious green tea and he gave me his book like a present. In less than 24 hours I read it. In simple words, it's a realistic novel about a chaotic love story (with some autobiographic components indeed). "In this world don't exist a better way to know this guy"- I thought.
In short, with total honesty, the gift was only a excuse for to be more closer from one another, but it was the "cornerstone" of our actual relationship and it likes me for that reason (well... it's very enjoyable too).
I have read that book many times, maybe four or five, and today it's in my backpack most of the time or in my bedroom.