jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My performance (English tests)

Well... In the Part 1 of the Reading test I got 5/7. In the Part 2 of the same test I got 7/7 and in the last part I got 4/5. Principally, in the Part 1, I failed in the speed of reading and I forgot the details. In the part 3 I had confuse, but I understood later. 

In the Part 1 of the Listening I got 5/7. The problem was the connecting between words; I don't understood very well the sentences. In the Part 2 of the Listening I got 4/6; the same thing, in addition I lost in the story.  

 I got 25/33 in the Vocabulary test. I failed in the synonymous and antonymous, because there are words strangers for me. Maybe, the rest of mistakes were for fault in reading comprehension. This part was the most comfortable for me, because my vocabulary is better than before.     

7 comentarios:

  1. Congrats! You are so good for English.

  2. I think you have a very good performance in English, congratulations !!. And for me, some words strangers too. Cheers !!

  3. You was good! maybe you can improve listen movies or series in english with subtitle.. bye!

  4. Camila, I think that the second part was very difficult... congratulation! You follow practice... sure you will be able to learn very well...

  5. Congrats! Perhaps you need study more with a English dictionary the synonymous and antonymous for improve your performance.

  6. To my cost me much listening U.u, but I was easily the synonyms and antonyms :D...bye!!!!

  7. I also have problems with some strange words in vocabulary! I think we have to read more!
