Hello classmates and teacher!
Today I'm going to talk about pets…
actually about the names of my pets! The animals have been very important in my
life; I'd pets since I can remember. There’s a big dog in my house
when I was a child, its name was “Toki” and it was a German shepherd. Then, we
had a little lab rat, its name was “Blanquita”. After that, we had a funny canary,
but I don’t remember its name. When I grew, I’d my own dog, it was a mix
between Pekingese and unknown breed, but it was great in any case, its name was
“Hikari” and it died this year sadly :(. I lived 13 years with it and for that, it
will be the pet of my heart always <3 In house there was parakeet too (“Lolo”,
“Lala” and “Cucky” were mine), two loving hamsters (“Almendra” and “Luna”) and
today still there’s 5 chickens on backyard (I can remember now, when I had a
chicken only for me, and I named it “Clarita”, and it was absolutely black xD).
You can ask me: Where is the cats in your count? Well… the cats are out there!
On my patio, on the roof above my head! I could never have a cat :( because it’s free and rebel (maybe it’s a
very personal prejudice), nevertheless I invent names for all of that cats :D and
there was one very strange: “Gato Harvey Zombie”, why “Gato”? Because it was a
cat :D, why Harvey? It’s a long story, It loved fight on the roof against other
cats, and one night it came back home with a disaster on the middle of face…
Like Harvey Dent in Batman, when he burned and transformed in “Two faces” (yes,
I know, this reference is so DC fan). And why zombie? Because other night it
came with a disgusting and stinky wound in its paw but in three days it was
splendid again.
Well… I wrote a lot. But I can say that I
couldn’t live without animals, wither my own pets or wild creatures around my
See you :D
The story about "Gato Harvey Zombie" it's fantastic! I laughed a lot! :)
ResponderEliminarI totally disagree! cats are awesome u.u
ResponderEliminarajajajaja good story ! but I hate cats :P
Entertaining story!!! and for me are very important pets in my life, especially my two small dogs that love you :D