jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Fiestas Patrias

Hello classmates and teacher!
Today I going to talk about my last patriotic celebration.

I think that Chileans wait this date all the year, because they can drink and eat without blame and it's a fantastic date for take a break of the daily rutine.
In general, I celebrate with my family and my friends. Sometimes I can go out Santiago, but this year I was here, in Parque O'Higgins, in the boyfriend's home and in my home.
I must be honest, I ate a lot, my diet went to hell... Maybe I drunk a little in the first day of celebration, ok... I drunk a lot too. But I was with my parents, and that's important, because the last year my dad wasn't with us. This year was the first time in the Gonzalo's home, he's my new boyfriend and good friend, and his home's very similar to my home, all people in there are lovely persons and I'm very happy to be with him in this important dates.    
If you ask me about the best Fiestas Patrias, I should say "Fonda de la Alcachofa". When I was a child, I invented this name for the Fiestas Patrias in my house, I even painted a poster... It was funny, because the artichoke in the paper was very ugly, but my family was happy with my splendid art work.
I like the traditional games, I don't practice them but I would like to learn. In the other hand, I think that rodeo is a unnecessary sport, because it only brings animal stress and suffering.  
Well... Like many people, I miss Fiestas Patrias, but my birthday is coming in October and that's more party for me :D

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi, i support you in many things about the "Fiestas Patrias" i drink a lot too, but, maybe not only the first day jaja. And, sure, the rodeo is a unnecessary. Cheers !!

  2. hahaha I ate a lot too! but well, who cares, just like you said: without blame :)

  3. jajaja eat and drink is the best form to celebrate

  4. To drink and eat without blame is one of the best things about Fiestas Patrias hahaha

  5. I love the story about "Fonda de la Alcachofa" and is nice that today remains a fun memory!

  6. A agree with your opinion about the rodeo and I like the fonda de la alcachofa jaja it's wonderful.
