jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015


I have traveled only a little in my life and all these travels have been into the country. Chile's a beautiful place to know, I have thought we should know our country before other sides. But now I have a lot of wishes to go Buenos Aires. The best part is the proximity, I mean: Chile and Argentina are neighbor countries! This travel appears easier than other options. Well, you know... Buenos Aires is "the city of fury", all things about it are painted with bohemian colors and interesting stories; I imagine its streets very similar to Santiago's streets, the same king of foul air, the same charming in the architecture, the same inspiration for writers, painters, musicians and photographers. I've clarity about this mysticism, but that's exactly the best part. If Buenos Aires isn't the city of my smoker dreams I don't care, but the sensation in my stomach, when I will cross the Andes Mountains, will be enought (Ok, that sounds sickly sweet. Maybe the food, clothes, CDs and books are motivation too).
I like my country and my city very much. I don't want live in any other place, but one season being tourist never hurt anyone 1313

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree a lot with you that Chile is a great place to get to know! It's huge and it has a lot of hidden places to see, that are simply beautiful! I hope you can go to Buenos Aires soon and have a great time!

  2. The city of fury is such a good way to describe Buenos aires, I would love to know Buenos aires because of it being a bohemian place, full of different stories, colors, and people. I agree with you, Santiago is a nice place after all, with all the chaos and people.
