jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Cinco panes y dos peces - Elisa

Hi classmates and teacher, today,(P) in this blog I will (WE) talk (WO) about the book that I am reading at the moment, it is (WF) when I have free time.
Hi classmates and teacher, today I'm going to talk about the book that I am reading at the moment, when I have free time, in this blog.  

The name of the book is “Cinco panes y dos peces”. His principal objective is show the experience of a catholic bishop that was prisoner in a Vietnamese camp. This bishop is called Fraois Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan. 
The name of the book is "Cinco panes y dos peces". Its principal objective is show the experience of a catholic bishop that was prisoner in a Vietnamese camp. This bishop is called  Fraois Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan. 

I am not sure which genre it is, but I think that belong to the (WW) novel, because the author –that who is (?) the same bishop- narrate (C) the history (WW) as a novel. He divides the storyline of the book in seven parts. 
I am not sure which genre it is, but I think that belong a novel, because the author - the same bishop - narrates the story as a novel. He divides the storyline of the book in seven parts. 

First he talks about the five breads, in each one _(v)he tell (C) the moments since that (?) he was taken prisoner until that (?) he was released. In this part he remembers many people,persons important (WO) in his life. Finality (WW)(P) he tells about the two fishes, in this moment he speaks of (WW) the products before (?) of this experience.
First he talks about the five breads, in each one of them he tells the moments since he was taken prisoner until he was released.  In this part he remembers many people, important persons in his life. Finally, he tells about the two fishes, in this moment he speaks about the products after of this experience.

Is (v) a short book, is (v) very simple, but for me is (v) very interesting_(P) because in the book not only shows an experience from a religious perspective, also from the human experience,(P) it shows us a reset mechanism to intense trauma.
It's a short book, It's very simple, but for me it's very interesting, because in the book not only shows an experience from a religious perspective, also from the human experience; it shows us a reset mechanism to intense trauma.

I think _(v) the experience of imprisonment and torture is one of those experiences thatcertainly (?) more brand to the humans (WO). For me it is a great mystery, how they manage to recover from this. want have (WE) more time for reading (T) this story with more dedication!
I think that the experience of imprisonment and torture is one of those experiences that more brand to the humans more. For me it is a great mystery, how they manage to recover from this. I want to have more time for read this story with more dedication!

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015


Hello people! I hope you have a great weekend.

At the moment I'm reading "Snoopy", the Charles M. Schulz's creation. It's a comic book. Well... I like this genre because it's something different to others, because there's more draws than text. I really enjoy read other kinds of books, more serious to put it another way, but sometimes take relax and laugh is good. I'm enjoying this book because I saw Snoopy when I was a child, but I hadn’t a book about it never before!
Snoopy is an American Beagle in the comic strip Peanuts, its owner is Charlie Brown, a shy kid, and his dog always makes his life more interesting. Snoopy has many “fantasy lives”, including a writer, a college student (Joe Cool) and a World War I flying ace; sometimes it’s the “Easter Beagle”, and it gives chocolate eggs to everybody!
My book is divided in 5 parts: “The school”, “At home”, “Dinner time”, “In the garden” and “Baseball”. In the first part all the characters live adventures in the classroom, with teachers and doing homework; in the second part they against problems with their families; in the third part Snoopy ask for food (it’s gluttony); in the fourth part all characters stay in the grass under the sun; and in the fifth part they play their favorite sport!
I enjoy the draws, because they're so sweet!

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Free topic!

Hello classmates and teacher!

Today I'm going to talk about pets… actually about the names of my pets! The animals have been very important in my life; I'd pets since I can remember. There’s a big dog in my house when I was a child, its name was “Toki” and it was a German shepherd. Then, we had a little lab rat, its name was “Blanquita”. After that, we had a funny canary, but I don’t remember its name. When I grew, I’d my own dog, it was a mix between Pekingese and unknown breed, but it was great in any case, its name was “Hikari” and it died this year sadly :(. I lived 13 years with it and for that, it will be the pet of my heart always <3 In house there was parakeet too (“Lolo”, “Lala” and “Cucky” were mine), two loving hamsters (“Almendra” and “Luna”) and today still there’s 5 chickens on backyard (I can remember now, when I had a chicken only for me, and I named it “Clarita”, and it was absolutely black xD). You can ask me: Where is the cats in your count? Well… the cats are out there! On my patio, on the roof above my head! I could never have a cat :( because it’s free and rebel (maybe it’s a very personal prejudice), nevertheless I invent names for all of that cats :D and there was one very strange: “Gato Harvey Zombie”, why “Gato”? Because it was a cat :D, why Harvey? It’s a long story, It loved fight on the roof against other cats, and one night it came back home with a disaster on the middle of face… Like Harvey Dent in Batman, when he burned and transformed in “Two faces” (yes, I know, this reference is so DC fan). And why zombie? Because other night it came with a disgusting and stinky wound in its paw but in three days it was splendid again.
Well… I wrote a lot. But I can say that I couldn’t live without animals, wither my own pets or wild creatures around my house.    

See you :D   

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My performance (English tests)

Well... In the Part 1 of the Reading test I got 5/7. In the Part 2 of the same test I got 7/7 and in the last part I got 4/5. Principally, in the Part 1, I failed in the speed of reading and I forgot the details. In the part 3 I had confuse, but I understood later. 

In the Part 1 of the Listening I got 5/7. The problem was the connecting between words; I don't understood very well the sentences. In the Part 2 of the Listening I got 4/6; the same thing, in addition I lost in the story.  

 I got 25/33 in the Vocabulary test. I failed in the synonymous and antonymous, because there are words strangers for me. Maybe, the rest of mistakes were for fault in reading comprehension. This part was the most comfortable for me, because my vocabulary is better than before.